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We Outsiddddddeee- Metcalfe Park Campaign 2024

The We Outside – Metcalfe Park Campaign is a grassroots movement aimed at reclaiming and repowering our community.

Through transformative initiatives centered on health, housing, wealth, joy, and the liberation of our people, we are setting the stage for community-led change from June to December 2024. This campaign will serve as a roadmap of resistance, power building and celebration, leveraging workshops, training sessions, direct actions, cultural resources and events and educational gatherings. We are committed to engaging with our community to confront systemic issues, honor our cultural roots, amplify our collective power, and co-create solutions that reflect our values and visions for a liberated future.

Complete the We Outside participation form in full today: ​ so we know how you want us to engage with you throughout the campaign. We will reach out with additional information based on how this form is completed.


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