
Journey of Metcalfe Park
In 2012, five Metcalfe Park resident leaders formed the Metcalfe Park Community Action Team (MPCAT) to join with neighborhood and citywide partners in considering how resident engagement could contribute to the improvement of Milwaukee’s Metcalfe Park neighborhood.
Building Neighborhood Capacity Program
The same year, Metcalfe Park was chosen as a site for the Building Neighborhood Capacity Program (BNCP), a federally-funded program that provided the financial resources and support for residents and partners to catalyze resident-driven neighborhood revitalization. Resident and partner involvement in the BNCP yielded a vision, mission and values for change, and led MPCAT to become Metcalfe Park Community Bridges.
Community-led Imagination and Creation
We welcome all residents to join in developing and implementing Metcalfe Park Community Bridges’ work. It is only in coming together to achieve our priorities – safety and placemaking, connectedness and cultural vibrance, civic engagement, intergenerational wealth and opportunity, and health and wellness – that we can lift up our collective power to make progress toward our long-term vision of a robust and thriving community.
Metcalfe Park Community Bridges Inc.
The Metcalfe Park Community Bridges’ vision is the creation of a framework where neighbors can collectively exercise their voice, and access resources and opportunities for political, social, and cultural self-determination.
Meet the Team
Speaker, activist, advocate – this is what she was born to do
Danell’s two passions are education and community. These passions inspired her to volunteer with both the Social Development Commission and Next Door Foundation, in addition to serving as a board member with the Parent Policy Council for Head Start. Her role with this organization was driven by a desire to engage parents to be decision-makers and advocates for children.
To her current role as executive director of Metcalfe Park Community Bridges, Danell brings extensive speaking experience with a focus on equity and engagement. Her speaking opportunities have included Cardinal Stritch University, the University of Milwaukee and the Department of Justice. Danell studied business management at Milwaukee Area Technical College and attended the Neighborhood Leadership Institute, a community leadership and skill building initiative.
A former resident of the Metcalfe Park neighborhood, Danell has invested nine years of work into the community. One of the founding members of the Metcalfe Park Community Action Team, she served as a coordinator for the Building Neighborhood Capacity Program in Metcalfe Park. Her shared experiences with members of the community inform her mission to support resident leaders and build partnerships to promote a safe, healthy and vibrant community.
Organizer, activist and fighter for the people
Ms. McCurtis grew up in Metcalfe Park, attended Ralph H. Metcalfe Middle School and gained her first job at Fitzsimonds Boys and Girls Club located in the community. Melody is currently studying nonprofit business management at Cardinal Stritch University.
Melody serves as Deputy Director of Priorities/Organizer for Metcalfe Park Community Bridges. She works under the community’s directive, which was developed in 2011. She deeply believes in community power for the sake of transformation. Melody adds unique value to the work, having grown up in Metcalfe Park, and has shared lived experiences among the people she works with. Her focus is community power that leads to community wealth. She believes community land trust, community co-ops and worker co-ops will be one of the catalysts for her people to thrive. Melody lives in a multi-generational household and believes her role as a ”dope single parent” of two children has been the catalyst to her organizing style.
Annie Travis has rented and lived in the same Metcalfe Park home for 20 years, and is well-respected and connected within the community. Annie has consistently volunteered to support the improvement of her community. She attended the Neighborhood Leadership Institute, a community leadership and skill building initiative. Annie has data experience, and spends time canvassing the neighborhood and listening to residents to ensure that their views are represented in our work. She believes that there are no big I’s or little you’s – we are all equal partners in the work.
Felicia Wilkins was born and raised in Milwaukee and has lived in Metcalfe Park for five years. Felicia is now a veteran of the United States Army. While in service, she was a government credit card holder and has experience handling funds.
Outside of being a board member of Metcalfe Park Community Bridges, Jarrett is a highly-skilled professional organizer and strategist with more than a decade of experience. Jarrett builds relationships and coalitions to achieve Equity (with a capitol E) for the most disenfranchised and marginalized with an emphasis on long-term, community-built success. Jarrett has a deep passion for the residents of Metcalfe Park and is firmly committed to their short- and long-term success.
Fatima is assisting Metcalfe Park Community Bridges in achieving the community goal of affordable housing options for renters and homebuyers in the Metcalfe Park neighborhood. Fatima has been working with Metcalfe Park's community development team since 2015, assisting with the Building Neighborhood Capacity Program and the compilation of the first community revitalization plan. Fatima continues to assist MPCB in program design and management as it relates to the ongoing 2020 Housing Initiative
Jared is a public health professional focused on collaborating with communities to improve health equity. Jared’s partnership and work with Metcalfe Park Community Bridges has focused on both asset-based community development and community engagement at every step of the process. He has partnered with the organization on several successful grant applications and projects to sustainably address neighborhood disinvestment and structural challenges to health equity. Jared also provides expertise in health communication, research design and evaluation, and community-led data collection and analysis.
Kathleen is excited to join Metcalfe Park Community Bridges and work with Danell and the team to create positive sustainable social change. Kathleen has worked in the nonprofit sector for 13 years in the areas of development, donor relation and fundraising. The majority of her work has been with organizations with a focus on education, safety, housing, economic development and health. Additional experience also includes membership and special events. Kathleen holds a B.A. from Saint Mary’s College and a J.D. from Marquette University Law School. Prior to working in the nonprofit sector, she practiced corporate law.
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