Intergenerational Wealth and Opportunity

Intergenerational Wealth & Opportunity

We create non-traditional opportunities around housing, employment, and financial education to ensure our community has access to create individual, family, and community wealth.

We work with residents and partners to ensure resident safety that promotes and addresses public green space creation and access, traffic safety, environmental justice, and the effects of systemic racism.

We place value in ourselves and believe we deserve economic power that relates to our worth.


Goal #1
Decrease displacement in the neighborhood.
Goal #2
Increase access to opportunities for residents to build personal and community wealth.
Goal #3
Provide youth with wealth building opportunities.
Goal #1
Decrease displacement in the neighborhood.
Goal #2
Increase access to opportunities for residents to build personal and community wealth.
Goal #3
Provide youth with wealth building opportunities.
Goal #1
Decrease displacement in the neighborhood.
Goal #2
Increase access to opportunities for residents to build personal and community wealth.
Goal #3
Provide youth with wealth building opportunities.


Strategy #1
Increase resident homeownership; strengthen and create healthy rental housing opportunities.
Strategy #2
Identify partners who can co-create financial education and employment programs (i.e. banking services, investment clubs, better paying jobs, etc.).
Strategy #3
Expose youth to career pathways and activities that prepare them to build assets (i.e., green jobs, coding, SAT prep, entrepreneurship, financial education, etc.)
Strategy #1
Increase resident homeownership; strengthen and create healthy rental housing opportunities.
Strategy #2
Identify partners who can co-create financial education and employment programs (i.e. banking services, investment clubs, better paying jobs, etc.).
Strategy #3
Expose youth to career pathways and activities that prepare them to build assets (i.e., green jobs, coding, SAT prep, entrepreneurship, financial education, etc.)
Strategy #1
Increase resident homeownership; strengthen and create healthy rental housing opportunities.
Strategy #2
Identify partners who can co-create financial education and employment programs (i.e. banking services, investment clubs, better paying jobs, etc.).
Strategy #3
Expose youth to career pathways and activities that prepare them to build assets (i.e., green jobs, coding, SAT prep, entrepreneurship, financial education, etc.)

Personal & Community Wealth

Developing the education and skills of our community members is critical to supporting increased employment and innovation. We focus on developing the leaders of tomorrow to accomplish our mission as today’s leaders. To keep this, we aim to identify partners who can co-create financial education and employment programs.


While renting is the most practical choice for many residents, homeownership is vital to stabilize and build residents’ wealth. We have purchased three properties from the city. We are working with partners to rehabilitate these homes to create affordable, healthy living spaces for residents—three houses and hundreds more to go.

Wealth-Building for Youth

Residents have told us they want to gain economic self-sufficiency and find work that derives meaning and hope. Through this focus area, we aim to expose youth to career pathways and activities that prepare them to build assets, including green jobs, coding, SAT prep, entrepreneurship, and financial education.